This fall MCC has entered into a multi-pronged, marriage strengthening initiative! We're offering a three-week sermon series, numerous co-ed community group studies, and now a limited run, nine week community group for couples called REIGNITE!
Marriage is meant to be a beautiful picture of Christ's care for His church. We believe this group will reignite and strengthen your marriage so that you may show forth Christ's love. The group will meet for nine sessions, each Tuesday evening at 7:30pm, probably in the church office building, beginning October 17th. Since this is a limited run community group, attendance at all sessions is requested. There will be a one-time, $35 fee for each couple, that covers an online assessment tool.
UPDATE: Reignite Your Marriage is currently FULL.
Due to an abundance of registrations, and our desire to preserve a size that enables authentic and vulnerable conversation, the Reignite group is now full. However, just because the group is full does not mean you shouldn't register. We have created a wait-list -- use the form below to be placed on the list.